Thursday, August 14, 2014

Morgan: Side scanning- Take 1

Today  was our first day with Dr. Jeff Royal aboard since we left Sicily. Derek and some others have fleeted back to the US and Albania. Jeff instructed us that we would be sector scanning three sites today, but initially turned into 6 sites. :) We rapidly were able to drop the sector scanner down and figure out which direction we wanted to move, covering everything appropriately. After lunch and after what we thought was our last site, we started to head home and Jeff thought maybe we should try side sonar with our sector scan head. And to our dismay, it worked! Here are some photos of the process.

Shot 1:(from left to right) Emily, Loren, Jerry, Jeff, and Cameron, improvising on how to attach the sonar head to the pole.

Shot 2: Loren, Jerry and Jeff start the attachment process.

Shot 3: "Everybody say cheese!"

Shot 4: The group slowly slides the pole with the sonar head over the side, carefully placing it in the water and securing to the ship.

Shot 5: This was quite heavy so we needed all hands on deck!

Shot 6: Don't squish Emily!

Shot 7:  The captain peeks out of his forward window to make sure everything is going well.

Shot 8: The sonar has touched the water!

Shot 9: Richard and Jerry secure the clamp to keep the sonar stable.

Shot 10: A look ito the lab, this is what we see.

Shot 11: A closer look at side scan sonar imagery.

Stay tuned for more cool sonar stuff!!


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