Monday, August 11, 2014

Emily: Anchors, Fortresses, and Nothing at All

Dubrovnik Harbor.  Emily Kovacs
Welcome to Dubrovnik!

Sorry it has been a few days again, we have been quite busy!

We arrived into Dubrovnik's main port late Friday evening.  Once we settled in, Saturday was spent picking up local groceries at the supermarket, getting the latest country's Dongle for Internet, and being able to explore the city.

I picked up one of the local buses to take me into "old town" which is about 2 km away from where we are docked.  You enter through the city gates that then take you to the main street.  The whole town is just foot traffic, and like Butrint, it is a UNESCO World Heritage site.  I was amazed that the town still uses public fountains that you can drink from.
Main square when you enter Old Town, with a big public fountain.  Emily Kovacs

The main avenue.  Emily Kovacs

Another public fountain.  Emily Kovacs

I loved exploring all the nooks and crannies throughout the town.  There was so much to take in and see.  I did venture out the southern gate to get a better view of the harbor.  I was not disappointed
Dubrovnik Harbor.  Emily Kovacs

Harbor.  Emily Kovacs

Dubrovnik.  Emily Kovacs
During my meandering, I was able to come across a gallery that caught my eye with its vibrant, fish paintings.  The artist who owns the gallery is Capt. Stjepko Mamic.  He is a fantastic artist who mainly uses pallet knives.  He was kind enough to invite me to have a cup of coffee and we ended up chatting for a few hours.  I could not have spent my evening in better company!  

Here is one of his websites if you want to check out his artwork:

View over Dubrovnik.  Emily Kovacs

But enough with fun adventures! Onto sector scanning!

The past two days have been prime examples of when scanning works out perfectly, and when it does not as much.

On Sunday we scanned two sites called Molunak 1 and 2 which were in 93 and 80 meters of water.  These two sites are estimated to be from the medieval time period.  Molunak 2 was the big surprise of the day.  We ended up scanning three separate anchors!  One of which had a skank (main body) that looked over three meters long.  The team even saw what looked like a cannon perhaps.  Its amazing to see what can turn up at the bottom of the sea!

Today was a example of the opposite.  We did one site which had a known wreck on it.  Following this site, we decided to scope out two other possible wreck locations.  We dropped the scanner onto the first spot hoping to find something around the size or 2 x 3 meters.  To our dismay, nothing showed up on the sonar screen.  We lifted up the scanner and moved to the next location near by.  We ended up doing two drops on this new site.  There was something down there, but whether it was a wreck, rocks, garbage or what, we couldn't tell.
Working on the coast south of Dubrovnik.  Emily Kovacs

We called it any early day because Derrick had to catch a plane out of town.  this gave us a free afternoon which I spent at one of the local beaches. It amazes me how clear the water is here.  Even though the beach was made up of rocks I enjoyed myself. While I went to the beach, Morgan and Kelci went into town to check out the local stores and dive shops.
Rocky beach.  Emily Kovacs

Well that's a quick bit of info about Dubrovnik and some of the ventures that have been going on.  Can't believe this is our last week with RPM already!  It's gone by too quickly!

Until next post!

Laku noć!

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