Thursday, August 7, 2014

Emily: A Couple Days Break

Ciao everyone!

With all of our sector scanning we have been a busy crew!  But due to weather on the seas and the awesome work ethic we all have, we got a well deserved break for the past two days.

Yesterday, Morgan, myself and a few of our fellow crew members rented a car and went to Budva, Montenegro.  Budva is about an hours drive north of Bar.  The road ran along the coastline, zigzagging the mountainous region.
Map of our route. Google Maps
Upon arriving, the five us began to explore the "old town" area which is essentially enclosed within old fortress walls.  The inner area is made up of narrow, winding streets.  There are tons of little shops, bars, cafes, restaurants and nooks and crannies.  I fell in love immediately.  We ate lunch at a nice outdoor restaurant before heading to the beach.
Outside Old Town. Emily Kovacs

Exploring Old Town.  Emily Kovacs
The beach was fantastic!  Getting to the beach was half the fun.  There is a stone walkway following the base of a cliff side and just above the water's line that leads to a inlet.  Here you find hundreds of lounge chairs, umbrellas, concession stands and sunbathers.  For a relatively small area it is packed.  We picked a spot with some sand and a couple open lounge chairs and began a care free day at the beach!

Statue along the walk to the beach.  Budva in the background.  Emily Kovacs
Cliff side view.  Emily Kovacs
Our view from the beach.  Emily Kovacs
After the beach we headed back into town.  Our group meandered a bit before heading back to Bar.

Today I headed up to Stari Bar with our fellow interns, Will and Loren.  Stari Bar literally means "old town of Bar."  Here there is a small town that runs along the base of castle ruins.  Some of the ruins date back to 2,500 years ago.  But most of the ruins date from early 1000's. 
Mountains, Castle Ruins, and Town.  Emily Kovacs
The castle ruins cost 2 euros  to get in, but were well worth it.  Visitors are free to roam around the ruins with little limitations.  We were able to climb up castle walls that overlooked the mountains and Bar below.  There was even an old semi-subterranean church.  It had a defiant cave feel to it!  

Will going into the subterranean church.  Emily Kovacs
Inside the church.  Emily Kovacs

Ruins, with the port in the far background.  Emily Kovacs
Castle ruins.  Emily Kovacs
Pano of the mountains.  Emily Kovacs
After thoroughly exploring the ruins we headed into the town.  It was very quaint with old world charm.  Loren and I shopped around for a bit picking up some local products.  Will even found a little rooftop garden with different types of fruit trees and artwork on display. *Note: flip flops and polished pave stones on a hill are dangerous!*
Stari Bar.  Emily Kovacs
Rooftop garden.  Emily Kovacs
We had a great time in Stari Bar and I highly recommend it.

Tomorrow we will set out for Croatia!  It will be about a 6 to 7 hour ride north.  We will be stopping along the way to sector scan two sites.  Morgan and I will continue to keep you up to date with our latest missions and adventures!

Fun side note as I type this:  I just witnessed the International Space Station fly over.  Pretty cool!

Over and Out.

Howard the Bear (my travel associate) and I.  Emily Kovacs

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