Saturday, July 19, 2014

Morgan: Messina Straight

5 am my brain decided to wake me, and that was okay because we were finally half way to Albania, and passing through the Messina Straights. I went to the bow and slowly through the fog or clouds you  could see faint little images of small fishing boats ahead. The sun was just rising and everybody was still sleeping. I ran down to my cabin and grabbed my GoPro and DSLR and got some sweet shots.

First shot. Pictured here shows the divide between Sicily (right) and Italy (left).
Morgan Bode GoPro

Second shot. A reverse view of Italy in the background. 
Morgan Bode GoPro
We approached the fisherman soon after. I tried to get a close up shot of what they were up to, and the gear they had, or perhaps something they have caught already..
Third shot. A mate gets his net ready while the other scopes out the fish on the surface. This guy was just as interested in me as I was with him.
Morgan Bode Cannon DSLR
I decided to make my way to the bridge, and the Captain waived me to come inside.
Fourth shot. Pictured is Captain Przemyslaw Bak
, left, and Matt,  right. Captain had just received a radio call to stand down to a ship taking us over on the port side.
Morgan Bode GoPro
Fifth Shot.
This glorious cargo ship slowly starting to overtake us starboard to port side.
Morgan Bode GoPro
Sixth Shot. A small Pilot vessel trails behind UASC cargo ship, most likely retrieving its pilot for the port from UASC.
Morgan Bode Cannon DSLR
Stay tuned to see some sites of Albania and any other seamanship, AUV and sonar technology we will be learning very soon!

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