Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Emily: Albania and Butrinti

Well, finally I have some Internet!

Since Morgan's last post, we have arrived in Sarande, Albania.  We got into their port late afternoon Sunday, July 20th.  Before we were able to dock at their navy base we did pass through customs.  This involved us giving them our passports and a list of our personal electronics.  After this we were able to dock within the naval area.
Sarande Port.  Emily Kovacs
We spent the rest of Sunday and the following day walking the area and meeting some of our newest members to the ship; Will, Lauren and Derrick.  While exploring the city we got to meet some of the locals: trash cows and what I call the navy goats, who live on the property.
Cow Eating Trash.  Emily Kovacs

Goats on Navy Base. Morgan Bode Go Pro.
We are still waiting on our AUV to join us on the Hercules.  They have been having a hard time with the shipping and it had gotten lost in transit along the way.  Hopefully we will be getting it within the next few days.  Without the AUV, we have had time to learn more about the ancient cultures that inhabited the region.  For this we went to Butrint National Park, which is just outside Sarande.  Our guide was Kayla, who is a very good friend of RPM in Albania.  She has worked at Butrint for several years, so she knows the in's and outs of the site. In 1992, Butrint became a UNESCO World Heritage site.  The park currently covers 86 square km.  It is an amazing site to behold!
This is a map they include in the brochure of all the site locations within the park.
Over thousands of years, Butrint has had different civilizations live within it.  The buildings represent cultures spanning over 2,000 years.  Including, "Hellenistic temple buildings of the 4th century BC to the Ottoman defenses created in the early 19th century." (Philanthropic Collaborative and the Butrint Foundation.)  There is a museum within a medieval castle at the top of the hill.  Inside it broke down the history starting all the way back to Neolithic times!  Since then, theaters, churches, castles and walls have been built upon each other.
Sanctuary of Asclepius.  Includes the amphitheater.  Emily Kovacs.
We also learned about the aqua duct that used to be present and go throughout the area.  I was very excited to learn some of the Roman history in relation to Julius Caesar and his adopted son Octavian Caesar.  They were present figures in Butrint which was a affluent area at the time.
Ampitheater within the Sanctuary.  Morgan Bode. Go Pro.
Our small group was very lucky to hear a thorough explanation of the "lion's Gate" from Kayla.  Morgan was able to record her talk which we've posted on our Youtube page.  So check it out and learn a little!  http://youtu.be/NUiMJRJ0Eas

I loved wandering through Butrint.  Being able to touch and climb up these ancient buildings will defiantly be one of the biggest highlights of this internship.  We were all in awe of the beauty of Butrint.
Representing FKCC in Albania! Courtesy of Jack Seubert.
Morgan will be posting next!

shihemi me vone!

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