Thursday, July 17, 2014

Introduction: Who, What, Why?

Introduction: Who, What, Why?

Florida Keys Community College (FKCC) selected two students for a 5 week study abroad internship surveying the sea floor in Southern Europe. Survey areas include sites off of  Sicily, Albania, Montenegro and Croatia. Emily Kovacs and Morgan Bode  are students enrolled in FKCC's Associates of Science Marine Environmental Technology Program (MET). This internship is  designed to reinforce courses in the MET program including Marine Biology, Basic Seamanship, Marine Data Collection and Oceanography, to name a few. The field internship is aboard the RPM Nautical Foundation's R/V Hercules. Tasks for the interns to learn and partake include, seafloor mapping of undersea archaeological sites, operation and study of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) and remote operated vehicles (ROV), side scan and sector scan sonar, keeping a web blog and writing a technical report.  Most importantly, the students will gain practical experience collecting data! The team includes the two interns, the Director of the MET program, Jack Seubert, and the crew of R/V Hercules.

Morgan Bode is beginning her third year this fall, at FKCC. This is her first college internship as a MET student. Some key courses she has taken consist of Marine Biology, Marine Data Collection, Oceanography, and Basic Seamanship. These particular courses helped Morgan qualify for this opportunity. She's most passionate about anything involving the ocean, particularly diving, spearfishing, restoration and conservation, coral/ fish ID, underwater photography and now, underwater archaeology. She feels truly blessed to be chosen to board a research vessel and learn hands on how to operate technological instruments such as AUV's and ROV's, and to be introduced to a new possibly alternate technical career, in the marine industry.

Emily Kovacs is in her second semester at FKCC.  She has previous courses from Cleveland Institute of Art and Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Ohio.  So far she has taken Oceanography, Basic Seamanship, and Basic Research Diving while attending FKCC.  The Basic Research Dive course has peaked her interest marine archaeology immensely.  She recently obtained her NAUI Advanced Diver certification and is working on her AAUS certification.  Through this internship she hopes to combine her interests in art, history, and all the aspects the ocean.  Emily was thrilled to be one of the students chosen for this internship.  She hopes this will further her knowledge of developing marine technologies and her passion for the ocean.

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